It is the corner stone of Donald Trump’s campaign, it is the the low hanging fruit of the Republican party… it’s easy pickings The idea that Donald Trump will “build a wall” along the Mexican border and that “Mexico…
Category: Donald Trump
Members of Donald Trump’s family have EUGE rolls in his Republican presidential bid. For example, Donald’s son Eric is responsible for picking his VP for crying out loud. No one in the political world ever heard of Eric because until now,…
Yahoo News is reporting that former Republican presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, has decided to skip the Donald Trump led Republican Convention. A spokeswoman for Sen. Marco Rubio says the Florida Republican is skipping the GOP Convention in Cleveland. That makes…
Donald Trump is a prolific tweeter. He has mastered the art of sitting behind a computer screen and attacking people in 180 characters. The conservative trolls love him for that and have anointed him the chosen one to be the…
How exactly can you “Make America Great Again” when you build your products in other countries? “Trump has a unique way of showing his love for America,” the ad says. The ad shows a recent campaign speech during which Trump…
I sort of forgot that Chris Christie was still the Governor of New Jersey and an active politician until this week, so quiet was he on policy and bombast. But now he’s back. His first foray was to emerge with…
If only Donald Trump would Trexit. Before November, when he’ll likely Trexit anyway. Yes, I know that the British vote to leave the European Union is being interpreted as a warning that the angry, anti-immigrant, anti-trade, build-an-entire-sea-around-the-country (which the British…
It was expected. Well within the realm of possibilities for this particular candidate and this particular campaign to have Michele Bachmann as an evangelical advisor. Yes, Michele Bachmann. I expect nothing less… I don’t think there’s anything or anyone less……
Donald Trump’s campaign sent out a release informing the media of a new website aimed at highlighting all of Hillary Clinton’s lies. I wanted to know, so I visited the site. There’s nothing there. The website,, will “showcase some…
If only the main stream media was able grow a pair and stopped fawning like teenage girls over Donald Trump, then maybe the Republican electorate would have a real choice in this election instead of being led by an egotistical…
We are surrounded by idiots. One one side of the political spectrum, they are best known for supporting Donald Trump and his ignorant B.S and idiotic proposals, but on the other side there are those wanting to kill the man…
Apparently, we are living in the end times, for if Donald Trump gets anyway remotely close to the White House in November, then you can stick a fork in us. We’re done! The Bible warns us about this. Take heed!