Walking around in the aftermath of yesterday’s tragedy I heard people say over and over, “I can’t believe this happened here in Boston.” Most tragedies seem distant and removed. Until tragedy lands on our front door. For those of us…
Author: Melissa
Melissa lives online at http://www.launchyourcreativelife.com where she blogs about her journey to a location independent life and how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookies. She is enthusiastic about all things entrepreneurial, having coffee with friends, helping creatives build a lifestyle around their art and sending snail mail.
Most of us love to indulge in a little of the anti-oxidant rich chocolate (yes, I shamelessly cling to every study promoting the benefits of my favorite food) a few times during the week. Working on a new bake book,…
Scrolling down the list of Amazon best-selling cookbooks & food books I was amazed at the amount of Paleo-related cookbooks and info. As a foodie, I’ve heard a lot about the Paleo diet but I really didn’t know what defined…
Trying to do more, be more and achieve more has always been an American trait. If we can do more with less, we have achieved the accolade of all accolades. Many people talk of how they don’t sleep enough but…
It’s Friday. You’re tired (me too). Going to the store for dinner fixings sounds as appealing as doing laundry, right? What to do when you want to make a good dinner that doesn’t require a) going to the store b)…
We all want to look our best. And while a lot of people start going to the gym for swimsuit season, looking good in a swim suit is not my motivation behind setting the alarm clock early and hitting the…
Ever wondered if you could eat your way to beautiful skin? I’ve worked in skin care and cosmetics for enough years to see many products go through the market. Today cosmetic and skin care research is fueled by plant science. …
We’re upon another holiday weekend. Whether you celebrate the holiday of Easter or not, chances are you’ll be doing this for sure: eating. The weekends are a chance to relax, eat a leisurely meal (do we know what that is…