Hoping for something special on Monday when Robert Mueller has promised to unseal the first legal action relating to his probe of Russia’s involvement in the election? Speculation is rampant and the Republicans must be nervous or they wouldn’t be…
Author: Robert I. Grundfest
I am a teacher, writer, voice-over artist and rationally opinionated observer of American and international society. While my job is to entertain and engage, my purpose is always to start a conversation.
I’m still trying to figure out how you actually mess up a condolence call to a soldier’s family and turn it into a national nightmare when the White House Chief of Staff has to lie to cover up for the president’s…
And, no; I’m not talking about Democratic failures in the face of the Republican onslaught. What’s being routed is common sense, practicality, reason, and stability. The president has ultimately decided that if Congress is not going to strip health insurance…
We learned this week that the Republican Party is so concerned about religious rights that they’ll compromise women’s health and allow people who are supposedly committed to love and compassion to discriminate against fellow human beings who love differently than…
Raise your hand if you thought the Trump tax plan would favor the middle class and the poor. I see no hands. Democrats in the House and Senate can fulminate all they want, and the responsible media – and you…
Take that, you John McCain you. And NFL players who kneel for the national anthem? You need to speak the way we want you to speak. And hit harder, man! Be like Aaron Hernandez. But what’s happening with Stephen Curry you ask? We…
Is it just me or is the political circus breaking for an intermission? Yes, I know that the president watched FOX News, then tweeted that the British knew who the suspects were in Friday’s terrorist attack. And he also reiterate…
No, it’s not the Apocalypse. That happened last November. This is just weather. Just weather. And the earth. How quaint. Three hurricanes, and a major earthquake that very few people outside of Mexico are paying attention to, are taking their physical…
New school years always bring new challenges for children, parents and teachers. This school year, though, promises to be much trickier, because we are now debating United States History. Remember history? That’s the class that isn’t tested at the end…
In the Trump Administration’s best approximation of Friday Night Lights, the president (shudder) treated two of his main constituencies to a Shabbat treat. First by throwing civil rights and equal opportunity to the floor when he banned transgender Americans from…
Finally, the president has united much of the country. Unfortunately for him, most of the country opposes what he stands for. Yes, there are still many people who support the president and believe that his equating violence on both sides was appropriate,…
With all that Charlottesville means now and will mean in the future, this much is clear: Donald Trump is probably the most genuine president we’ve ever had. He is a genuine racist. He is genuinely ignorant of United States History….