
Asked about the Sonya Massey Shooting, Trump replied, “You’re talking with the water, right?”

We were all certain that this would turn into a horror show. His appearance at a black organization and fielding questions from black journalists—black female journalists, to be exact. Given his terrible track record with black women, there was no doubt that it was a horrible idea for Donald Trump to entertain questions from people who are not afraid to ask the hard questions.

NABJ – The National Association of Black Journalists brought the former president onstage and in front of a live audience today, hoping to get sensible answers to real issues. That was their first mistake. The 30-minute interview garnered boos and groans from a shocked audience.

Trump was met with loud gasps from the room when he said he was unfamiliar with the details of the Massey shooting, which sparked national outrage, saying he “doesn’t know the exact case but I saw something,” when asked about the case.

“It didn’t look good to me. It didn’t look good to me,” Trump said. “You’re talking with the water right?” Massey was shot by police while holding a pot of boiling water.

Trump has previously said that police should get immunity from prosecution if he won the 2024 presidential race. Goba asked whether the police officer in Massey’s case, Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean P. Grayson, who is charged with her murder, would have immunity. Trump sidestepped the question by talking about gun violence in Chicago.

When asked again by Goda, Trump said he would help someone who “made an innocent mistake.”


Donald Trump to Christians – “We’ll have it fixed” so you won’t have to vote again

Did you hear the one where Donald Trump promised to end democracy as we know it?

During a telling Republican rally on Friday, Donald Trump urged his supporters to vote for him in the upcoming November election. He promised them that if he is re-elected in 2024, he will ensure that they won’t have to vote again, suggesting that he would have the system “fixed.”won’t ever have to vote again!

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” he said.” You won’t have to do it anymore. … You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

This man is showing us his true colors. On multiple occasions, he has told us his intention to end democracy in this country. Why this convict is even allowed to run for president on any republican ticket is beyond my comprehension. If this is the best the “party of Lincoln” can do, there is no hope!

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