Year: 2020

Co-(vid) Education

Co-(vid) Education

Whither Betsy DeVos?Here is the Secretary of Education at a crisis point in American education and she is...silent. Don't get me…

M-M-M-My Corona

M-M-M-My Corona

When you've been anti-science for most of your administration, then science is going to eventually catch up to you. And when…

Beg Your Pardon?

Beg Your Pardon?

And it's only February.But the Russians are all in for Bernie because they too see him as the perfect foil for…

Gains and Losses on Equality

Gains and Losses on Equality

For all of the terrible news coming out of this administration, there is some good long-terms news on race and equity…

Assassination as Foreign Policy

Assassination as Foreign Policy

Let's think this through. Somebody has to, right?President Trump ordered the killing of Major General Qassim Suleimani in order to "stop…

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