In a brand spanking new campaign speech in Tampa Florida, well-known Republican establishment candidate Jeb Bush, relaunched his failing presidential campaign with a brand new slogan – #JebCanFixIt! But before diving into ways he can fix it, (sidenote – Jeb did not say how he will fix anything), Jeb spent some quality time pushing his new book.
“Last year, I decided I wanted to share my story with people across the country, so I wrote a book. Well really I didn’t write it, not in the traditional sense, I emailed it!” Jeb said, as he talked about some of the emails he received including one about a raccoon in an elderly woman’s attic. Jeb made a call for the woman and he sent someone to remove the raccoon. Jeb bragged that “by noon, that raccoon was out!”
Jeb fixed the woman’s raccoon problem. But back to the book or as Jeb called it, his “shameless plug.”
“The book is called Reply All, it’s out today you can get it on, it’s pretty cheap. I hope you enjoy it. Going back and rereading these emails reminded me of the challenges we tackled together and how much can be accomplished with strong conservative leadership. That is why I’m running for the presidency of the United States of America.”
Pause for applause.