Leave it up to the mastery of Jon Stewart to use Fox News against Fox News.
When the Justice Department released its findings on the Ferguson incident where Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Mike Brown, it also highlighted the backbone of the Ferguson Police Department’s money stream – racism, where blacks were targeted with bogus charges and fined heavily for those charges.
Yet, over at Fox News, the emphasis was misplaced like it often is at the Republican network. Fox spent countless hours demanding an apology from the Justice Department and the rest of the media for saying Mike Brown had his hands up when he was killed, a claim the Justice Department found to be… unfounded.
Stewart skillfully took this same Fox outrage and directed it at another well disputed favorite Fox story – Benghazi. And Stewart wondered why Fox News fails to admit that their Benghazi money-maker – although well debunked by all credible agencies as a total Fox fabrication – warrants the same apology.
Of course, that apology will never come, and Fox will continue pushing the same failed and debunked Benghazi narrative because, for whatever reason, people watch Fox and advertisers go where the people are.