CSPAN Republican Caller Refers to Obama as “that nigger Obama” On Air – Video


CSPAN got an earful of racism on Thursday when a Republican caller called the network to advise Republicans on their next move in Congress.

“I would just like to say, that the Republicans — and I’m a Republican — please do not overreach,” the caller began. “I know they’re going to overreach but I’m telling you, if you advocate for the repeal of Obamacare and you get too extreme, then Hillary Clinton will be elected President in 2016.”

“This is about race,” he added. “The Republicans hate that nigger Obama.”

Host Steve Scully quickly cut off the caller after he dropped the racial slur.

“Okay, I’m gonna stop you there,” Scully said. “We’re not gonna use that kind of language.”

“You can certainly make your point, but you cross the line when you use language like that,” he added. “And so to our viewers and listeners, I want to apologize.”

So yea, if you thought racism had something to do with the votes for Republicans on Tuesday, you might be right.


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Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

2 thoughts on “CSPAN Republican Caller Refers to Obama as “that nigger Obama” On Air – Video

  1. I am SURE it was a DEM caller just “trying to make the Repubs’ look bad.” You KNOW it’s the Dems that throw out the race card all the time……….;-(

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