I think it’s a fair to say that base on his rant against AL Sharpton, NBA player Gilbert Arenas is not too fond of the civil rights leader. Arenas called Sharpton a “coon” for getting involved in Ferguson and, as far as he is concerned, Sharpton presence is just making matters worse.
In an Instagram post that was later deleted but not before it was saved by UPROXX, Arenas went all in on Sharpton.
“I would like to start off by saying too the family of the victim GOD BLESS#RIPmichealbrown you will be missed: too EVERY African American out there..how dumb are we really???every time we hear some bad news, the first thing we do is #RIOT #ROB #STEAL #BURN sh-t in our OWN neighborhoods..this racism fight has never been #blackvswhite, it’s ALWAYS been #blackvsblack from what the stats.. About 10 riots from the black community over the years and the only thing damaged ,was the BLACK COMMUNITY by The BLACK COMMUNITY..only reason they issue riot police isssss just in case you actually got smart enough to walk 6 blocks ,YALL ain’t f-cking up white rich sh-t smdh”
. six,trayvon and the list goes back way back..#AL ur like a #THOT in the club,lookn for attention what u said at trayvons rally #enoughisenough ur right were tired of u PRETENDING”
UPROXX reports that the pair do have some history, as in 2010 Sharpton spoke out harshly against Arenas during his guns in the locker room flap, and called for then Commissioner Stern to issue a severe punishment. Gilbert’s words may reflect his true feelings, but the harshness of his statement may be attributed to some still lingering personal issues with the good reverend.