Allen West, the former Republican congressman from Florida, has decided to pick a fight with Tammy Duckworth by questioning her loyalty to the United States.
Speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd, West criticized Elijah Cummings, Adam Smith, Adam Schiff, Linda Sanchez and Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic lawmakers picked to fill the party’s five slots on the 12-member GOP-led “special committee.”
West especially raised doubts about Duckworth, a veteran who lost both of her legs and the use of her right arm in the Iraq War, raising suspicions about her loyalty to the country.
“Tammy Duckworth, you know I just don’t know where her loyalties lie, for her to have been a veteran and a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing and hopefully she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat [sic] party,” West said.
But Elijah Cummings would not have none of West’s disrespect for Tammy DuckWorth. In an interview today with MSNBC, West called out the “audacity” of West and his statement criticizing a military member who lost both legs and the use of one arm for this country.