I thought Jesus was inclusive and wanted everyone to come to him. After all, he did say to “preach the Gospel to every creature.” And exactly how would anyone become a Christian if they weren’t included and preached to at some point in their life?
No one was born a Christian, which means that being inclusive is the lifeline of the Christian faith.
Alabama State Judge Roy Moore has not figuref this inclusive message yet and is still thinking that the survival of Christianity is to preach only to the base. And he is taking his religious segregation view and applying it to the constitution, more specifically, the First Amendment.
It is Roy Moore’s belief that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution only protect Christians.
Earlier this year Roy Moore, the Chief Justice of Alabama’s Supreme Court, spoke at a luncheon in Mississippi for a Pro Life group and shared his thoughts on the First Amendment and who it protects.
“Everybody, to include the U.S. Supreme Court, has been deceived as to one little word in the First Amendment called ‘religion.’ They can’t define it.” Moore said. “They can’t define it the way Mason, Madison and even the United State Supreme Court defined it, ‘the duties we owe to the creator and the manner of discharging it.’ They don’t want to do that, because that acknowledges a creator God. Buddha didn’t create us. Mohammed didn’t create us. It’s the God of the Holy Scriptures.
“They didn’t bring a Koran over on the pilgrim ship, Mayflower. Let’s get real. Let’s go back and learn our history.”
What would Jesus say?
Jesus wouldn’t say a word. He’d just shake his head.