I’m beginning to think that people call into his CBN show with made up scenarios just to hear what Pat Robertson would say.
In the latest episode of What Would Pat Robertson Say Next, a viewer shared his problem. His wife was not putting out. The viewer was obviously concerned about his relationship with his wife and wanted some help from Robertson – Sidenote: I’ll say that was the viewer’s first mistake, thinking the 400 year old Robertson could tell him on what to do to arouse his wife sexually.
Robertson however, had an answer, and I’m almost shocked he didn’t blame Obama for the man’s problems. He did however, blame the woman for probably being molested as a child and told the man that if his wife is not giving it to him, then that is grounds for divorce!
I don’t know what’s wrong with your wife, whether she’s got some psychological problems, whether she was molested as a child . . .She really wants intimacy. . . but at the same time she doesn’t want to come together and consummate. That’s grounds for divorce.”
Yep, that’s what he said.
Video below.