George Will
To hell with the Supreme Court and their interpretation that the Affordable Care Act better known as Obamacare was constitutional. What do they know anyway. If you really want to know if the healthcare law is constitutional, just ask George Will – a Fox News contributor whose opinion apparently matters to those at Fox.
On Sunday, Mr. Will once again offered his opinion and guess what? The Fox News regular disagrees with the Supreme Court and has determined that Obamacare is in fact, unconstitutional.
Sidenote: It can be argued that opposition to Obamacare is all one needs to be a contributor on the Fox “News” Network. Mr. Will fits this description perfectly.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Fox News Obamacare bashing…
Mr. Will continues… “On May 8, here in the second-most important court in the land — the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — there will be an argument that this is objectively a revenue measure,” Mr. Will said. “The Supreme Court said as much, a tax measure.”
“It did not originate in the House. And under the standards of origination, the whole thing is unconstitutional, so this argument, again, is far from over.”