Greedy John Boehner Cheers On Supreme Court’s “Money is Speech” Ruling


I call him greedy because now that the Supreme Court has decided that anyone with enough money can give any amount they want to a particular campaign, Boehner is seeing dollar signs.

With that decision, the Supreme Court doubled down on their Citizens United decision,  where they proclaimed Corporations – you know, those flesh and blood entities built by actual human beings that need to be registered to do business – the Supreme Court in their Citizens United decision called those entities “people,” and thus,  able to contribute unlimited amounts of dollars to any SuperPAC that supports their candidate.

Today, the Court took another step in their Conservative activism, their continuous effort to silent democracy and the voice of the people. Today, the Supreme Court took us one dtep closer to turning our democracy into an oligarchy.

Their 5-4 decision will allow anyone to give an unlimited amount of cash to anyone running for office, because, according to the decision, restricting the amount given would be the same as restricting freedom of speech.

So not only have they redefined “people” with Citizens United, this Republican led Court effectively redefined speech to mean money. And the more money you have, the louder your voice becomes. And if you can shout louder than everyone else, then your voice becomes the voice the politicians listen to and your priorities magically becomes theirs… because… money!

But don’t just take my word,  listen to the politicians as they praise the fall of democracy. John Boehner praised the decision, claiming that “freedom of speech is being upheld.”

“What I think this means is that freedom of speech is being upheld. You all have the freedom to write what you want to write. Donors ought to have the freedom to give what they want to give.”

And the people who will receive these gifts of course, are politicians. Especially those in leadership positions like John Boehner – Speaker of the House of Representatives. Imagine being rich enough to buy the Speaker of the House! Imagine how much shouting your money can do then!

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Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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