Not even a week after formally announcing his intentions to run for President of the United States, Rick Perry is already getting his share of protesters, and questions about Social Security caught Perry so off guard, that he stuffed his mouth with food to avoid answering.
Twenty four hours after arriving in New Hampshire, Perry and his group went to grab a bite to eat. Outside, a group of seniors from the New Hampshire Alliance For Retired Americans gathered on the sidewalk outside the Popovers on the Square restaurant, holding signs with slogans like “Another Texas idiot for sale,”
ABC reports what happened next:
As the presidential candidate from Texas walked into a local restaurant, Popovers on the Square, he was forced to shake hands with voters amid shouts of “Hands off Social Security and Medicare!” and “You’re a threat to America” from the anti-Perry forces who gathered just a few feet away from him. It was the first organized protest of this kind since Perry arrived in the Granite State.
Inside the café, Gail Mitchell and a companion grilled him: “You said Social Security was unconstitutional.”
“Social Security’s going to be there for those folks,” Perry answered his inquisitors, making reference to the elderly.
“But you said Social Security is unconstitutional,” Mitchell repeated.
“I don’t think I — I’m sorry, you must have,” Perry said before stopping himself.
Instead of elaborating, Perry stuffed a generous piece of popover in his mouth. (Perry called them “pop ups.”)
“I’ve got a big mouthful,” Perry said and then ordering a glass of water. He later tripped over one of the women standing at his side pressing him on Social Security.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Perry said to her.
It’s only the beginning Perry, hope you stocked up on the popovers!