A very emotional response to the unbelievable disrespect that the most powerful man in the world, the President Of The United States, suffered yesterday. Being subjected to the obvious racism of a small minority of so-called Americans, who simply cannot accept the fact that a black man won the presidential election and now, is the leader of the free world.
They think they’ve shamed the President, but in fact, these Birthers and racists, have shamed this nation… again!

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I applaud you Baratunde! Making a very real point that’s lost on many. Now what do we do about Trump? Well first of all let’s NOT put our money where his mouth is!
Here are some of Trumps major real estate assets to boycott;
-$Trump World Tower: 845 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY.
-$Trump Tower: 725 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10022.
-$AXA Financial Center, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
-$555 California Street, formerly the Bank of America Center, in San Francisco
-$1290 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan
-$The Trump Building at 40 Wall Street:
-$Trump Entertainment Resorts: This company owns the Trump branded casino resorts. The Trump branded casino resorts include the Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza and the Trump Marina.
-$Riverside South/Trump Place: When completed, Riverside South will be the largest single private development in New York City’s history.
-$Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago:
-$Trump Hotel Las Vegas:
-$Trump International Hotel and Tower (NY) at Columbus Circle
-$Trump International Hotel and Tower New York
-$Trump Park Avenue: Park Avenue & 59th Street.
-$Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida
And of course we won’t be watching his ridiculous ‘Apprentice ‘ farce in this lifetime (Who DOES watch that anyway?)
sorry, I meany to complete my thought above by saying that Ms Taylor conveyed my thinking more eloquently than I ever could — your thoughts as professed in your video were very well stated, thanks.
Goldie Taylor did a much more eloquent job of standing up to the birther bigot Donald T Rump in her guest editorial appearance on Rachel Maddow’s show last night which I uploaded to my YouTube channel here http://www.youtube.com/user/GateKeeper50hotmail