Yesterday, the news broke that Scott Walker gave the son of one of his donors a state job with a 26% raise in salary totaling $81,500 a year. Today, little Scottie mysteriously found a reason to demote the 27 year old, and took away the raise. JS Online reports;
Gov. Scott Walker abruptly reversed course today and demoted the son of a large campaign contributor to his former job with the state Department of Regulation and Licensing.The move comes one day after the Journal Sentinel reported that Brian Deschane, 27, had landed an $81,500-a-year job in Walker’s administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. The promotion amounted to a raise of 26%.
His father is Jerry Deschane, executive vice president and longtime lobbyist for the Madison-based Wisconsin Builders Association. The group’s political action committee gave $29,000 to Walker and his running mate, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, last year, making it one of the top five PAC donors to the governor’s successful campaign. Members of the trade group also funneled more than $92,000 through its conduit to Walker’s campaign over the past two years.
The younger Deschane has no college degree, little management experience and two drunken driving convictions.
Still waiting for the news when Walker demotes himself.