Crazy is crazy, no matter where it comes from. It is, and will always be, crazy! But if you ask some conservative Republicans, their crazy is their crazy, and they want the world to know it.
With that said, using someone’s crazy without attributing it to them, is in itself, crazy… and plagiarism. And according to these conservatives, Glenn Beck has been tried and is found guilty of this crime. The Daily Caller elaborates;
By any standard, Beck seems unusually reliant on the work of others, and unusually reluctant to credit it. In an interview with TheDC, Roger L. Simon, CEO of Pajamas Media, suggested that Beck has committed the journalistic equivalent of a notorious crime. “It is not a question of just doing it right the majority of the time. It is a question of doing it right always,” Simon said. “Doris Kearns Goodwin is forever a fraud in my estimation because she has been caught plagiarizing once. If you rob a bank once, you still robbed a bank.”
A remarkably large number of conservative writers say they feel robbed. During the March 18 airing of his television program, for example, Beck ran a portion of video created by a Chicago-based blogger who calls himself Rebel Pundit. The blogger, who does not publicly reveal his name, says he was initially pleased to see Beck running his video, which featured left-wing protesters demanding amnesty for illegal immigrants. He was soon shocked, however, to see that Beck’s staff had obscured the watermark logo of his website,, from the tape.
“I put my website name on there for a reason – to bring people from the movement to my website so they can see the other stuff that I’ve done,” the man behind Rebel Pundit told TheDC. “You’ve got pretty much the biggest guy in the movement take your stuff and actually have his editors spend the time to scrub my name off of it.”
It seems that when it rains, it really pours. Who would have thought a few short months ago, that conservatives would turn on the anointed one this way? They have accused him of going cuckoo on air and bringing down the Republican party in the process to the point where even Fox so-called News has turned their backs on him. Now this?
Seems Glenn Beck “has fallen, and he can’t get up!” (< == taken from a Medical Alert commercial. Not plagiarism on my part! LOL!)