Remember the health care debate when the Teaparty, under the leadership of FOX NEWS and conservative radio commentators, went to Democratic town hall meetings with the goal of disrupting the meetings to portray America’s dismay with reform? Well, in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin earlier this week, real Americans expressed their real frustrations at Republicans and Scott Walker’s proposed union busting bill.
The town hall meeting was held for Republican State Senator Leah Vukmir. Also in attendance was US Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner. Evidently, the real feelings of these Americans were too much for the Republican congressmen, and they abruptly called an end to the meeting and exited to stage to the chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame!”
Scott Walker would dedicate 20 minutes of his “busy” schedule to a prank call he thought was coming from David Koch, but answering the concerns of their constituents is just too much to ask of these Republicans.