In a shocking twist, we find out that Michele Bachmann is just another opportunistic politician. Well, maybe not shocking, but after promising the Teaparty that she will promote “small government,” Bachmann voted ‘yes’ for a bill that represents one of the largest government intrusion into the lives of ordinary Americans – the Patriot Act.
She explains the reason for her vote on her Facebook page;
Today I voted for a temporary extension of three legal authorities in the Patriot Act. This vote was not for a full reauthorization of the Patriot Act. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I look forward to briefings and reports from our intelligence community that will help us develop longer term solutions as we protect our nation against international terrorism.
Her fans are not happy
Well, this didn’t go over too well with her Facebook fans. Page after page of negative responses were posted in reference to Michele’s vote. Below is a small section from some angry fans:

Exactly. It is becoming more and more difficult to understand who’s really representing the common folk. Washington — Democrats, Republicans and the Teaparty — are in the pockets of the rich!
Lawwwd! Could she not see the contradiction in what she says with what she does? Did she think no one would pick up on this? The Tea Party is no better off than Republicans or Democrats when it comes to their inability to rely on their representatives to actually ‘represent’ them.