The GOP is doing all they can to make sure that President Obama and the democrats fail at governing. This is not news, everyone knows it, except those viewers of Fox News and listeners of conservative radio shows. And yes, there is a way to behave on the congress floor. But Anthony Weiner has had it up to here, and he ain’t gonna take it no more!

The GOP Filibusters are now the norm in Congress. Even the bills and legislations they wrote, or once voted in favor of, are now filibuster to death simply because the Democrats are proposing these legislations.
The most recent filibuster by the GOP or the party of NO was their effort to stop a proposed tax cuts to small businesses, but it was their attempted filibuster of the 9/11 Health Compensation Act that got Mr. Weiner riled up.
The 9/11 Health Compensation Act would:
- Provide long-term federal funding for:
- Medical monitoring and treatment of those affected by 9/11
- Scientific research about 9/11-related health conditions
- Re-open the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund for people exposed to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster.
We see the state of the economy, but for these Republican politicians, politics comes first. Americans can go to hell in a paper bag for all they care, as long as they win the next election.
Thanks Mr. Weiner for doing your part to expose these hypocrites in congress. We need more like you!
Related articles
- VIDEO: Anthony Weiner: “The Gentleman Will Sit” (
- Evil Goat Attacks Anthony Weiner [Stunts] (
- Anthony Weiner Goes Ballistic At GOP For Killing 9/11 Responders Health Care Bill (VIDEO) (

We need someone like Weiner in the senate. Expose the GOP!