Rush Limbaugh – Obama Wants Americans Infected with Ebola Because of Slavery


Day after day, Republicans tun in by the millions to hear the things Rush Limbaugh say. Not only to hear the things he say, but also to memorize the list of new talking points from their leader with the golden mic.

On Monday, said leader with the golden mic went on a rant, stating, without facts of course, that president Obama is allowing Americans to be infected with the Ebola virus as a payback for slavery.

I know, I know, just when you think a couldn’t get any crazier, this will be the new talking point from the Republican party.

While speaking with one of the unfortunate callers on his nationally syndicated talk show, ‘the Limbaugh’ said that there are liberals who believe that America is responsible for the spread of Ebola in Liberia because that nation was established by freed American slaves.

“And if it hadn’t been for that they probably wouldn’t have [Ebola]. So there are some people who think we kind of deserve a little bit of this,” he said, before accusing elected leaders of purposely leaving the country vulnerable to the virus.

“The danger we have now is that we elected people in positions of power and authority who think this or think like this in terms of this country being responsible, this country being to blame for things and it’s that kind of thinking that leads to opposition to shutting down airports from various countries,” Limbaugh explained, referring to the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis.

“It leads to opposition to keeping these people out of the country: ‘How dare we? We can’t turn our back on them! They exist because of us. We can’t turn them away!’”


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Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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