Laura Ingraham Thinks… Oh, Nevermind… She Doesn’t


I was going to name this post, “Laura Ingraham Thinks Black People Voting is Pointless,” but who am I fooling. Laura Ingraham does not think, so the title would have been absurd.

As she filled the seat of Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, who was missing in action, Ingraham focused on the voter registration efforts going on in Ferguson MO., after the murder of unarmed black teen Mike Brown. It is apparently Laura’s thinking (there I go again with the thinking thing) that black people going to the polls to have a say in who gets elected is a divisive act, spearheaded by Democrats to keep senate seats. Nothing else.

“The racists are coming, the racists are coming” Laura says, implying that those words are being used by Democrats to get Blacks to the polls. And she concluded by saying that having back people vote would not stop the next Mike Brown, would not keep black men out of jails or give black people jobs.

Now, besides the obvious racism in Laura’s commentary suggesting that black men are jobless convicts with no hope or future, her suggestion that blacks should not vote because their life will remain the same shows her obvious bias and racism. If voting is pointless for blacks and minorities, then shouldn’t we expect similar commentary telling whites to stay home on election day?

Of course that advice to whites will never come, for it is the hope of racists like Laura Ingraham, to keep minorities in the minority. To have them think that voting is silly and trivial, and a waste of their time. Laura Ingraham and all the other Republicans in government know, that the best way to keep minorities in the minority is to take away their right to vote.


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Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

One thought on “Laura Ingraham Thinks… Oh, Nevermind… She Doesn’t

  1. She doesn’t think just like this “legislator” and “community leader”!

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