An Open Letter To George Zimmerman

Just desserts.

The letter below was written by Alex Fraser, after recieving the news of George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the fatal 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin:

open letter to GZ

alex_fraserMr. Alex Fraser is a recent graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia. His degree is in theatre. He is an actor living in the Los Angeles area.

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Social Blogger. Artist. Photographer. ShortFilmmaker. Small Business Entrepreneur. Closet Actress. Native New Yorker. Thanks for stopping by to read my post!

2 thoughts on “An Open Letter To George Zimmerman

  1. I totally agree with you Lorie Brown, that the prosecution could have been better. Personally, I think it was just a sham. But the charge against Zimmerman was not First Degree Murder, it was Second Degree Murder – quite provable giving the 911 calls and the things Zimmerman was heard saying on those calls. But the prosecution did not want a conviction. I think they just wanted to placate the people by bringing Zimmerman to trial.

  2. I am not a racist and if fact I have friends of every color and even if a person was green I would love them. I am a good Christian that believes that God loves us all because we are his children. I have great experience in the legal field. Once you charge a person with 1st degree murder and take it to trial that way you have to prove that it was premeditated and that the person planned to kill ahead of time, you can't even reduce the charge to 2nd degree murder or any other lessor charge. This has been a nightmare and become a race war that makes me sad. I can't judge because although I followed this case closely so I don't know what happened and it makes me sad because it has torn families apart and there is tremendous grief. I can't imagine if Mr. Zimmerman or Trayvon was my child. The problem wasn't the justice it was the prosecution. You can never prove murder 1 unless you can prove (a) that it was premeditated and (b) that you can prove it without a reasonable doubt. I personally have lived in countries that hate American's and I even know what it is like to have people treat you like you are a piece of dirt.

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