THE ART OF LOVE♀♂: Raise His Antenna With Henna!


The art of henna, called mehndi in Hindi, involves the ancient sacred art of decorating the skin in temporary, ornate designs using a paste derived from the henna plant.

Henna paste is derived from the bush plant, Lawsonia inermis, commonly found in the Middle East and other areas where the climate is hot and dry. The bush is harvested, dried, and then crushed to eventually make the paste.

Associated with transformation and transcendence, mehndi is a beautiful, mysterious art form that has been used for centuries to adorn, heal, entice and to bless. In practice for over 5000 years in Pakistan, India, Africa and the Middle East, mehndi became fashionable in the West in the late 1990s, where its sometimes called henna tattoos.

In ancient Egypt mummies were decorated with henna designs for blessings and Cleopatra herself used henna for decorative purposes.

The act of creating a mehndi on your skin is a personal, sensual act in and of itself. Your design can range from something elusively subtle to a bold, all encompassing declaration of your sexual prowess to your partner.

Whether you’re artistic yourself or have a friend who is, your creation can be customized to fit the mood you desire. I recommend getting a prepared kit  that includes all the tools and henna together so that everything you need is right at your fingertips. The following video demonstrates the traditional application method to the feet.

mendi back

Arabic-Hena-for-Feet1 There are a number of symbols used within the art that have various meanings and uses. Here are some of the more popular symbols and blessings used within mehndi art:

Palm decoration ~ designs invoke images of opening and offering (usually sun, flower, mandala)
Back of hand decoration ~ acts as a shield-closing, defending, clenching-symbolizing protection.
Right hand ~ Male, Projective
Left hand ~ Female, Receptive
Feet ~ The feet are recognized as a point of divine contact, considered a holy junction,
where Human being and Earth meet.
Peacocks ~ beauty
Swans ~ success
Birds ~ messengers (between heaven and earth)
Butterflies ~ transformation
Parrots ~ messengers of love
Dragonflies ~ rebirth
Fishes ~ a womans eyes
Scorpian ~ love and romance, its sting is analogous to Cupid’s arrow while being stung produces the same effects as being in love – glittering eyes, breathless, heat and feverish
Flowers ~ joy and happiness
Vines and leaves ~ longevity, devotion, perseverance, entwined lives and vitality
Lizards and snakes ~ seekers of enlightenment
Tortoise ~ Protection and fertility
Lotus Blossom ~ the light within / the awakening of the human soul. Grace, beauty, creativity, sensuality, femininity, and purity.
Sahasrara ~ thousand-petal lotus ~ uniting the soul with the ‘Divine Source’
Sun, Moon,and Stars ~ deep and lasting love between lovers/partners
Paiselys ~ represent fertility and good luck
Eye ~ said to mirror back the ‘Evil Eye’
The bud ~ signifying new growth especially at the end of a drought, and thus represent new life, fertility and joy – or as a metaphor in bridal mehndi to symbolise the start of a new love and a new life.
ZigZag ~ this symbol means “rain” and represents fertility and abundance.
The game (chess board) ~ an ancient symbol which, in different variants, represents happiness and joyful moments.
Ripples ~ represent running water, which purifies and brings life. Also symbolizing human emotion.
Square ~ magical, used to heal and protect the sick.
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